Eos Count Software

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One popular App for Mac users is Konstantin Pavlikhin's EOS Inspector 2. For Windows users, Canon EOS Digital Info can read shutter count data for many, though not for the most recent, Canon cameras. How many images has my camera taken up to now?

Have you ever wondered how to find the shutter count from your Canon? Since the days of Canon EOS 1Dn II and 1Ds II Canon hides the shutter count inside the camera. That means you either need to send the camera to Canon or use a 3rd part software. Uploading an image to a webpage to get the shutter count doesn’t work with Canon cameras post EOS 1Dn II/EOS 1Ds II.

Do you wonder if the software below will show you the correct shutter count? Well, I have sent my 6D and 7D to Canon and the shutter counts I got from Canon are the same as I got from Magic Lantern, But Magic Lantern also showed me the Live view count.

Anyway, here are some links to different software with the ability to show you the shutter count. If you find it hard to find your camera model, use the search tool in your browser and type your Canon model. If you own a Rebel camera, use Wikipedia to get the European/international model name.


Magic Lantern (free and open source)

With Magic lantern you can find out the count, not only for the the pictures you have taken but also the Live view. Software for M, 100D, 1100D, 1200D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 7D, 6D, 5D II, 5D III.

You find the software here and down below you have a tutorial how to find the shutter count.

EOSInfo and 40D Shutter count (free)

Software like EOSInfo (mirror site) for Windows and 40D Shutter Count (mirror site) for MacOSX are able to get the shutter count for 1000D, 40D, 50D, 450D, 500D, 700D och 5D II.

400plus (free and open source)

For 400D 400plus is available and works like Magic Lantern. Tutorial here.

CHDK for 350D (free and open source)

For 350D CHDK is available and works like Magic Lantern. Tutorial here. Also check this tutorial.

Canon EOS DIGITAL Info (free and open source)

Canon EOS DIGITAL Info is for Windows and based on EOSInfo. Shutter count for M, M2, 100D, 1000D, 1100D, 1200D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 40D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 7D, 6D, 5D II, 5D III, 1D IV, 1D X, 1D C.

DIRE studio (not free)

DIRE Studio has an app for iOS, software for OS X and Windows. It costs and supports M50, 100D, 200D, 250D, 1000D, 1100D, 1200D, 1300D, 2000D, 4000D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 750D, 760D, 800D 850D, 40D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 77D, 80D, 90D, 7D, 7D II, 6D, 6D II, 5D II, 5D III, 5D IV, 5Ds, 5DsR, 1D IV, 1D C, 1D X, 1D X II, 1D X III, RP, R, R5

For some newer models it reports counters in 1000 increments.

Gphoto2 (free and open source)

If you use Linux you can try out Gphoto2. Install process:

Contect camera and computer and write in Terminal:


Now you should see what kind of camera you have connected. If so, continue with:

If you get an error, try:

You will get something like:

Kill the first two process ID and try again:

Confirmed with 1000D, 450D, 550D, 600D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 7D, 6D, 5D II

Tornado EOS (free)

Tornado EOS comes in two versions. One free for reading shutter count, total shutter count, mirror count, total mirror count, language restriction, C-log and error logs. For $20/day or $65/month it is possible to upgrade and to edit for example shutter count, language restriction, GPS/WiFi or C-log. AV give false positive. Use virtual machine if you are unsure.

”Yes, for now many antiviruses have false positive detection of my program, because i use my custom protection system.
Unfortunately, it’s very difficult for a single developer to influence huge corporations. So use virtual machine is not a problem”

100D, 200D, 1100D, 1200D, 1300D, 2000D, 4000D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 750D, 760D, 800D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 77D, 80D, 7D, 7D II, 6D, 6D II, 5D II, 5D III, 5Ds, 5DsR, 5D IV, 1D IV, 1D X, 1D X II, 1D C.

SPT (not free)

SPT has software that can do so much more than just to check the shutter count. For example calibration of the AF or calibration of the shutter. Therefor it also costs much much more. Between $99-275. This one can also read mirror count and even reset both the shutter count and the mirror count. Works with: 100D, 200D, 1000D, 1100D, 1200D, 1300D, 2000D, 300D, 350D, 400D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 750D, 760D, 800D, 10D, 20D, 30D, 40D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 77D, 80D, 7D, 7D II, 6D, 6D II, 5D, 5D II, 5D III, 5Ds, 5DsR, 5D IV, 1D III, 1Ds III, 1D IV, 1D X, 1D X II, 1D C.

eosmsg (not free)

Chinese software eosmsg that works with M, M2, M3, M5, M6, M6 II, M10, M50, M100, 100D, 200D, 250D, 1000D, 1100D, 1200D, 1300D, 2000D, 4000D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 750D, 760D, 800D, 40D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 77D, 80D, 90D, 7D, 7D II, 6D, 6D II, 5D II, 5D III, 5D IV, 5Ds, 5DsR, 1D IV, 1D C, 1D X, 1D X II, RP, R.

EOSCount (not free)

EosCount.com also costs money. Cameras that will work with the software are 100D, 1000D, 1100D, 1200D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 40D, 50D, 60D, 7D, 5D II, 5D III, 1D IV, 1D X, 1D C.

ASSIST (free)

For Powershot and Ixus (and Canon EOS M3). You find the tutorial here and the camera support here.

ShutterCheck (not free)

Requires macOS 10.11 El Capitan or later.

M6 II, M50, 100D, 200D, 250D, 1000D, 1100D, 1200D, 1300D, 1500D, 2000D, 3000D, 4000D, 8000D, 9000D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 750D, 760D, 800D, 40D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 77D, 80D, 90D, 7D, 7D II, 6D, 6D II, 5D II, 5D III, 5D IV, 5Ds, 5Ds R, 1D C, 1D X, 1D X II, 1D X III, RP, R, R6, R5

APT – Astro Photography Tool (free)

The democlaims to read shutter counts from cameras with Digic III and newer. The shutter count will be displayed in the Log panel.

M50, 100D, 200D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 750D, 760D, 800D, 1000D, 1100D, 1200D, 1300D, 2000D, 4000D, 40D, 50D, 60D, 70D, 77D, 80D, 7D, 7D II, 6D, 6D II, 5D II, 5D III, 5D IV, 5Ds, 5Ds R, 1D III, 1Ds III, 1D IV, 1D C, 1D X, 1D X II, EOS R.

Eos Count Software

Several times over the past 8 years I've reported on the ShutterCount app and the earlier apps that were available to be able to see the number of shutter actuations our cameras have taken. These counts are very important for folks who want to sell their gear or just keep updated on how much they've used their cameras.

But, with the release of the Canon EOS 5Ds R, Canon changed the way the shutter counts were stored and all the tools were suddenly ineffective in helping out Canon owners and potential buyers.

Cut forward to today when the Shutter Count app team released a statement and an update to their software announcing they'd solved the mystery! But not only that, they've uncovered a new feature letting you see the number of photos you've shot in live view and the number of live view sessions!


Canon Eos 80d Shutter Count Software

I quickly updated my app and paid the small upgrade fees to enable the new features and I can happily report that I've shot 36,347 images with my Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and had 950 live view photos and 312 live view sessions!

ShutterCount Results For My Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
ShutterCount Live View Chart

From the Shutter Count team:


Shutter count for new Canons

When you spend years on reverse engineering Canon cameras, you are bound to see things… Know things that only a few knows. Things that most people wouldn’t believe. As my better half used to joke: I know more about Canons than what would be healthy… On the other hand this knowledge paves the way for neat things.

Almost exactly two years ago, when I added support to our apps for the 5DS R, I had to realize that Canon did something to the camera’s shutter counter. That something rendered the way ShutterCount used to query the counter useless. We immediately started a research side project to determine what’s going on and to find a way around.

Since I wasn’t comfortable navigating uncharted waters with my 5DS R (and later 1D X II), we bought three 1200Ds for the purpose. So let me introduce the Suicide Squad – these cameras contributed a great deal in bringing you ShutterCount 3.

Eos Shutter Count software, free download

It took two years, but I can proudly tell you that all those sleepless nights and hard work weren’t for nothing: not only we can read the shutter counter on all new Canon EOS DSLRs, but ShutterCount 3.0 does something never seen and done before.

Let me show you the camera summary screen in its full glory first. I mean including all the information the app is capable of displaying (total number of shutter actuations including live view related ones, plus the percentage where the camera’s shutter stands relative to its rated number of actuations).

That’s fine, but the app goes further than this. The new Distribution Chart shows a detailed breakdown of shutter actuation sources (you can also hover the cursor over the shutter count value on the summary screen for a textual breakdown).

Cameras with electronic first curtain shutter (basically all Canons released after 2014, with the exception of the 1300D) are capable of providing separate numbers for photos taken through the viewfinder, for photos taken while in live view and for live view sessions. A live view session starts when you engage live view and stops when live view is turned off. Movies are part of the session number (no matter how many clips you record during a session it will count as one since the shutter only opens and closes once).

This detailed breakdown is a world’s first.

(cover photo credit: snap from the app)