Hp A799 Thermal Printer Driver Download

DRIVER HP PUSB THERMAL RECEIPT PRINTER WINDOWS 7 64BIT DOWNLOAD. Pos thermal printer, usb receipt printer india, pusb black sydney. Hp point sale systems, usb receipt printer, hp a799 point sale. Pusb thermal receipt printer, pusb thermal receipt. Est+superbook+pw jma,pece -review, pdf free download. Usb thermal printer. I'm having problems getting my A799 thermal receipt printer to cut between the credit card receipt and the customers sales receipt when set up as a windows printer (not OPOS). I'm using the A799 in conjunction with Microsoft Retail Management System V2.0. I have also recently installed the latest firmware for the A799.

Hello, does receipt printer opos driver support logo printing?
Printer model A799-C40W-HN00
opos driver installed from:
http://h20565.www2.hp.com/portal/site/hpsc/template.PAGE/public/psi/swdHome/?sp4ts.oid=5081353&spf_p... - PoS - Receipt Printer
Thank you
Best Regards

Hello there,
To get your issue more exposure, I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since your product is a commercial product. You can do this at Commercial Forums.
Enjoy your day!
R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
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Similar Messages

  • I'm trying to use the A799 receipt printer to open the register drawer. The software I have does not have a configuration for this, so I'm guessing I do not have the right software. It prints fine, just doesn't open the drawer.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    I found the solution!
    Download and install HP USB Receipt Printer Firmware Upgrade (sp34185) from the following URL: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/S​oftwareDescription.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&swItem=ir-454​...
    Finish the printer installation by completing the following steps:
    1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Printer and Faxes > Add printer .
    2. During the Add Printer Wizard process, you will be asked to select a port. In the drop-down list, select a USBxxx (Virtual Printer Port) port.
    3. Browse to the location where the printer files are located, and select TPG A794 CD#1 Full and install the printer.
    4. Once the test page is printed the drawer will open automatically. NOTE: The TPG A794 CD#1 version generates a pulse to cash drawer 1 after each document, opening the cash drawer.
    Even though this is listed as a solution for the RP5000, it worked perfectly on the RP3000 using the HP A799 printer.
    The TPG A794 CD#1 version generates a pulse to cash drawer 1 after each document, opening the cash drawer.

  • Does anybody know how to fix this? Its a POS with a thermal receipt printer HP A799 and it doesn't print. Instead I get the following messaging. The drawer doesn't open either
    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.PointOfService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find
    the file specified.
    File name: 'Microsoft.PointOfService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
    at pcAmerica.Desktop.POS.Printers.ReceiptPrinterController.ReceiptPrinterController.PrinterCommandBeginPrintJob_OPOS()
    at pcAmerica.Desktop.POS.Printers.ReceiptPrinterController.ReceiptPrinterController.Begi

    The message indicates that the POS for .NET 1.11 SDK is needed, which is rather old. Do you have the latest service object or OPOS driver for the printer? What application are you running that generates this error?
    Here is the link to the 1.11 SDK:
    www.annabooks.com / www.seanliming.com / Book Author - Pro Guide to WE8S, Pro Guide to WES 7, Pro Guide to POS for .NET

  • I have a new MFP M476nw printer that I am trying to set up with the PCL5 driver from the HP website on my Windows 7 32-bit computer. I can not get it to even print a test page - it just hangs up everytime. Is there an issue with this driver?

    I am sorry, but to get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial printer. You can do this at Printers - LaserJet.
    Click on New Post.
    I hope this helps.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up' on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Hello Experts,
    We are facing 2 issues with the payment receipt functionality in CC&B :
    - Our client want to print those receipt with a desktop printer (non POS). Is it possible to modify extend the printing option offered by CC&B ?
    - We also want to modify the content/format of the receipt. Is it possible to modify it ?
    I havn't found any content about those receipt modification and non-POS printer usage. Do you have any experience about it ?
    Kind Regards

    I'm not sure if there is a standard way of doing this, but what you can do is to alter the print button to invoke a UI Map instead that will contain the dynamic values on what needs to be printed, the same JSP that invokes the UI Map will have to call the page print functionality of the browser.
    You can also research on how to automate the print spooling process so you don't need to see the Print option pop up.
    Hope this helps!

  • Hi All,
    Currently I am printing this using Reportwizard, but I have to do this by using POS Printer.
    I need to print a receipt by programming in C# to a POS Printer
    this data will be populated from database as a data table. All it needs to do is print a sample receipt that shows the table as shown below.
    This is the format that i am looking for
    ABCDEF Pte. Ltd.
    123 My Street, My City,
    My State, My Country
    DATE : 01/01/1970
    item(width 5cm) qty(width 1cm) Unit Price (width 2cm) Total (width 2cm)
    Item 1 10 9.99 99.99
    Item 2 101 0.00 0.00
    Item 3 9 0.10 0.90
    Item 4 1000 1.00 1000.00
    SUB-TOTAL 1.00
    TAX 0.10
    DISCOUNT 0.10
    TOTAL 0.80
    Please post the sample code for printing datatable at a time. I am using EPSON TM-T111V8 Printer.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Yort,
    Thanks for your answer, now i am able to cut the paper size as i reqired. As i am testing my application, while keep on printing the Reciepts, runtime issues occured in the application. not able to know the reason why they come and one more, some times the printer is hangup for some time.
    Could you please let me know what might be the reason. here the sample code and error message in detail.
    //Prepare PrinterHeader
    string sHeader = Environment.NewLine +' XYZ ' + Environment.NewLine +' www.xyz.com ' + Environment.NewLine +' Sales : 400 ' + Environment.NewLine +' Welcome : 123 ' + Environment.NewLine + '--------------------------------------' + Environment.NewLine;
    oPrinter.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, sHeader);
    //Print Bill Info
    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
    str += 'Customer Id' + dr['CustomerId'].ToString() + '--' + dr['TotalAmount'].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
    oPrinter.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, str);
    //Printer Footer
    string sFooter = Environment.NewLine +'----------------------------------------' + Environment.NewLine + ' Note : (*) Are Loyalty Incentives ' + Environment.NewLine +' Thank You For Visiting ' + Environment.NewLine + '----------------------------------------' + Environment.NewLine;
    oPrinter.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, sFooter);
    //Print EmptyLines
    string sEmptyLines = string.Empty;
    sEmptyLines = Environment.NewLine +Environment.NewLine +Environment.NewLine +Environment.NewLine +Environment.NewLine +Environment.NewLine;
    oPrinter.PrintNormal(PrinterStation.Receipt, sEmptyLines);
    //Cut the Paper
    catch (Exception ex)
    Error Message :
    Microsoft.PointOfService.PosControlException: It could not complete output within the specified period. at jp.co.epson.upos.trace.pntr.CommonPosPrinterTraceService.PrintNormal(PrinterStation station, String data) at MSR1.frmPoleDisplay.button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:C Drive BackupPOS Driver ImplementationCS_ExamplesCS_ExamplesMSR1MSR1frmPoleDisplay.cs:line 201ErrorCode: FailureErrorCodeExtended: 1007

  • System config below. Can print to USB attached Epson R1800 no problem. Can print to network attached HP2840 with the PCL drivers (though it comes out in black and white not colour). Can not print to HP2840 using Postscript drivers through either its USB or network port. Process monitor shows print engine thread consuming 1 CPU for each print job launched. Cancelling the print job in LR3 does NOT kill the print engine thread (!), leaving LR3 consuming 50% of my total CPU resource when I've tried to launch 2 print jobs. This worked fine under LR2.7 and all previous. No changes to printer drivers / config since LR3 upgrade.
    Anybody with any suggestions and or experience (good or bad) with other postscript printing would be appreciated.
    Quad core 3.4GHx, 8GB 1066Mhz RAM, System on SSD. Catalogue on (huge and fast) workstation RAID. nVidia GTX8800. Dual screen

    Rebooted several times still same problem.
    Installed latest Windows updates and rebooted, printing now works.
    ...I am sceptical that it was the windows updates, and something about one of the reboots I suspect just cleaned a cache somewhere or allowed a clean LR3 load without some memory glitch.... I suspect I will never know....
    computers - dont'cha just love 'em?

  • I have a LaserJet 6 MP parallel printer which I was using in 10.3.9 with a parallel-to-USB converter cable. The Printer Utility saw it natively as a USB device and it printed just fine most of the time, although it would occasionally fail to print, so I installed a different driver called usbtb 1.0.15, and after that it printed very reliably.
    Now I've upgraded to 10.4.9, and the Printer Utility still detects the HP printer natively as a USB device, and I also installed the formerly-reliable usbtb driver again, but the printer now fails to print with either driver. It acts like it's going to, but then it quits.
    When I choose Print, all the features of the printer are shown, and I can select which tray to take paper from etc., and the printer dialogue box says 'Printing,' the activity light on the printer flashes just as it always does when printing is in progress, but then, instead of printing, the activity light stops flashing and the print job disappears from the dialogue box.
    Can anyone tell my why this printer is failing to print now, and how I might be able to get it working again?

    Wait a minute! It's only certain Indesign documents that won't print.
    All TextEdit docs will print.
    I created a few scribbles in Photoshop and they print.
    But with InDesign, there is no predicting which documents will print or will not print. On some that will not print, if I remove all but one text box, then they will print. On other documents that do print, if I copy some text off of one that won't print and paste it in, then that one stops printing too.
    On some that won't print, if I erase everything on the page and create a new text box and type a few words into it, the page will print. If I revert to the previously saved version, once again the page won't print.
    What kind of craziness is this, anyway? It seems random. I can't figure it out.
    Even on the documents that won't print, when I try to print them the printer's activity light blinks as though it is just about to print, but then the light goes out without printing.
    Anybody got any ideas what this problem is and how to fix it?
    All I know is that EVERYTHING printed before I upgraded from 10.3.9 to 10.4.9.

  • Hello! I have a HP deskjet 5550 plugged to my iMac Core 2 Duo and I installed the drive for OS X that I found in the HP website. I share the printer with 3 other Windows PC's but I have to use the apple drives (when I add the printer) because the HP drives for windows don't print nothing. I used this tutorial do make it works (for you to understand better what I'm talking about). There is any way that I can print with HP drives?

    Welcome to Discussions, ftfaria!
    No. All HP printer drivers included in your Mac OS X are HP developed drivers especially designed to be compatible with Intel-based Macs. Apple doesn't dream up new ones, it simply adds into OS X whatever the printer companies design and supply to Apple:)

  • I use TestApp of POSfor.NET SDK for test OKI PT330 printer, device is showed under PosPrinter node but if I try to Open connection the next exception is raised
    POSControlException ErrorCode(Failure) ExtendedErrorCode(0) occurred: Method Open threw an exception. The device cannot perform the requested procedure.
    System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Eccezione generata dalla destinazione di una chiamata. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Errore irreparabile (Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
    --- Fine della traccia dello stack dell'eccezione interna ---
    in System.RuntimeType.InvokeDispMethod(String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Object target, Object[] args, Boolean[] byrefModifiers, Int32 culture, String[] namedParameters)
    in System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams)
    in Microsoft.PointOfService.Legacy.LegacyProxy.InvokeMethod(String methodName, Object[]& parameters, Boolean[] byRef)
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Errore irreparabile (Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
    Created instance of device: PT330-331USBPRT
    I work with Visual Studio 2013 in Windows 7 64bit virtual machine, POSfor.NET 1.14 (same test and results with non virtual machine)
    Service Object Manager shows the PosPrinter with name PT330-331USBPRT, upos 1.13.1 and legacy true, in fact the manufacturer provide only OPOS Driver. I've installed 32bit version because 64bit version is not recognized.
    Anyone can suggest me the way for resolve this problem?

    Thanks for the reply, below my tests.
    I use 4 apps for testing:
    1) POSPrinter1 founded in MonroeCS site
    2) MyWinformApp1 that use directly printer ocx
    3) TestApp of POSfor.NET SDK
    4) MyWinformApp2 that use POSfor.NET
    I downgrade to POSfor.NET 1.12, OPOS Common Control Objects 1.14.001 (can't downgrade it but i think is not necessary).
    1) Printing OK
    2) Printing OK but has slowdowns, however ends regularly
    3) Exception when try to open connection:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154): Recupero della class factory COM per il componente con CLSID {CCB90152-B81E-11D2-AB74-0040054C3719} non riuscito a causa del seguente errore: 80040154.
    in System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
    in System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean fillCache)
    in System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
    in System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
    in Microsoft.PointOfService.Management.Explorer.GenerateLegacyProxy(String progId, String deviceName, String deviceType, Boolean strictErrorChecking)
    in Microsoft.PointOfService.Management.Explorer.CreateInstance(DeviceInfo device)
    in Microsoft.PointOfService.PosExplorer.CreateInstance(DeviceInfo device)
    in TestApplication.MainForm.OpenDevice(TreeNode node)
    4) Printing stops after a few lines, log say:
    PosException] Microsoft.PointOfService.PosControlException: Method PrintNormal threw an exception. The Service Object timed out waiting for a response from the device, or the Control timed out waiting for a response
    from the Service Object
    So I reinstall POSfor.NET 1.14, same results
    Finally I reinstall OPOS Common Control Objects 1.14.001 with repair option, now the situation is:
    1) Printing OK
    2) Printing OK but has slowdowns, however ends regularly
    3) Printing OK
    4) Printing stops after a few lines, same timeout exception
    Seems to be important the packages installation order that have to be
    A) OPOS Driver
    B) POSfor.NET v1.14
    C) OPOS Common Control Objects 1.14.001
    I don't know why, I think that OPOS CCO is a layer between OPOS Driver and POSfor.NET but maybe wrong.
    Now I will study SDK TestApp source code for find differences from my app, have you some suggestions to avoid the timeout problem?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Printer: HP Color LaserJet CM1312nfi
    Printer Driver: V5.1 (up to date, downloaded from HP support website) or Generic V5.6
    OS: Windows 8 Professional 64bit
    When I try to print a certain Excel document with Excel 2013 and printer driver V5.1, the program hangs and needs to be terminated via task manager. This happens always with the same document, but not with all documents. The program hangs also when opening the print preview for the same document.
    The same document prints fine with the generic printer driver V5.6 and with the driver that comes with Windows 8.
    The same document prints fine with driver V5.1 under Windows 7 and Office 2010. The combination Windows 7/Office 2013 was not tested. The combination Windows 8/Office 2010 was also not tested.
    When I try to print an empty document with Word 2013 and generic printer driver V5.6, the program hangs and needs to be terminated via task manager.
    My conclusion is that the HP printer drivers have a problem with either Windows 8 or Office 2013 or a combination of both.
    The printer driver that comes with Windows 8 and is automatically installed is useful as a temporary workaround, but it lacks certain options, e.g. manual duplex.
    On request, I am ready to send the Excel document by e-mail for verification of the problem.
    Any help or suggestions will be very much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    From what you describe you are having issues printing from MS Office. Have you had trouble printing from other resources on your computer (e.g. from the internet or another program)? The first thing I am going to suggest is that we start by uninstalling and reinstalling the printer from the resources available online.
    First if you use a USB cord, make sure to remove it (this is important). Do not plug it back in until the software directs you to. Then go through the Devices and Printers, Programs and Features and Device Manager folders and insure that all copies, files, and programs related to the printer are removed. Then as directed, restart the computer.
    In the START menu type '%temp%' and press ENTER. Here I want you to press Ctrl+A and hit DELETE. Some of the files will not allow you to delete them, skip those files and delete the majority that allows it.
    Install that and let me know the result!
    Have a great day!

  • I want to use my canon pixma ip4500 as my printer with my powerbook G4. I need a driver but was very confused with how to get one. Is it possible and could someone come down to my level and tell me step by step how to do it? Many thanks.

    Nope, your PB is not too old.
    Here is the link to the PIXMA ip4500 drivers on Canon's site:
    Drivers & Software
    The page has you first select your version of the Mac OS (10.4) from the pull-down 'Chose Operating System' menu. Once selected, you'll see the available software, Click on the arrown next to 'Drivers' and it should look like this:
    (click image to enlarge if needed)
    Click the word 'Download ' and you'll get the driver.
    Note at the top of that image there are other links to other documents pertaining to this printer. If you click on 'Brochures and Manuals,' while you are on that web page, you'll have Canon's instructions, probably better done than by anyone here other than someone who has the same printer model on a Mac running OS 10.4.

  • i need to use an hp 6215 printer with my mac book pro. the driver installation disk doesn't work. where can i get a driver that will work?

    With the Lion it is essentially unnecessary to resort to external driver disks. What's more, most of those disks are incompatible with the OS and should not be used. The system already carries a wide variety of printer description files (aka PPDs, which is what modern printing systems use as 'drivers') for a lot of brands. And there was an HP printer update just two days ago.
    Just checked in mine and did indeed find that the HP OfficeJet 6200 Series, with or without Fax, is covered with the latest update.
    So just go thru the motions of creating a proper printer instance:
    Make sure the Mac 'sees' the printer on the network.
    System Preferences / Print & Scan
    Click on the + button on the left column
    Select the appropriate type of printer, will use IP for the rest of this
    Select HP Jetdirect - Socket, default for HP network printers
    Type the IP address or look it up
    Name the printer for easy identification on the print dialog
    Let the Mac identify the printer model or manually choose the driver
    Click Add.
    Once the instance pops up in the list, can click on Options & Supplies for further config.

  • Hi friends.
    I have installed new Reader X and then i saw that, when i print a very small pdf with about 50 kb and i print it on a Laserjet 4000 printer the printer has problem with the amount of data that reader 10 produces.
    When i install a Postscript driver for the printer my computer makes up to 3.5MB printer data from a 50kb pdf.
    When i install a PCL driver for the printer my computer makes only 350kb from the same 50kb pdf file!!!!
    When i install Reader 9.3 the 50kb file becomes also only 350kb on the printer with post script driver, and i can print without problems also.
    my printer has 8 MB Ram and that should be enough for 3.5MB printer data.
    But when i print the pdf with 1 side only, the printer created a side who is only filled with 50% of the text, then there comes out a second page with the message.....not enough memory in the printer.
    i can not change the postscript driver to a pcl driver cause our ERP System can not handle printer with PCL drivers.
    Can someone help me please.........are there settings in Reader X who can solve my problem ???
    Thank you very much for help!

    put ? after rwcgi60.exe

  • Hello!
    I have trouble with finding appropriate driver for my Xerox Pahser 3111 printer. There is no support for iOS on their official support website.
    Thank you for your help.

    Hello there, AnnaVod.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides some helpful pointers for troubleshooting AirPrint on your iOS device:
    About AirPrint
    For best results
    Make sure your software is up to date. For iOS, verify that your device is using the latest version of iOS available and that the app you're printing from is up to date. For OS X, Use Software Update to update OS X and apps you've purchased from the Mac App Store.
    To use your AirPrint printer with Wi-Fi, the printer must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your iOS device or Mac, either through bridging, or a direct connection to your Wi-Fi network.
    AirPrint printers connected to the USB port of an Apple AirPort Base Station or AirPort Time Capsule are not supported with AirPrint. Connect your AirPrint printer to your network using Wi-Fi, or connect it to a LAN port on your AirPort device using Ethernet.
    Make sure that your AirPrint printer is connected to your network before attempting to print. Some AirPrint printers can take several minutes to join a network after being turned on.
    If you're unable to print
    Check these things if you are unable to print, or if you see the message 'No AirPrint Printers Found.'
    Make sure your printer has paper, and enough ink or toner installed.
    Make sure your printer is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your iOS device.
    Make sure your printer has power and is turned on. Try turning your printer off and then back on again to see if it resolves your issue.
    Check to see if your printer has any error lights or indicators displayed on the printer's control panel. Check the documentation that came with your printer to clear any errors displayed.
    Check with your printer's manufacturer to see if any firmware updates are available for your printer. Check your printer's documentation or contact the printer vendor for more information. A firmware update may be available, even if you just bought your printer.
    Important: Printers not listed in this article are not supported by AirPrint. To search for an AirPrint printer model, use the Find feature of your web browser (usually Command-F) to search the list below.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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Wordstock's typical pos configuration consists of a pc, a tpg receipt printer, an apg electronic cash drawer, and one symbo l ls-2208 barcode scanner. MOTOROLA V325 64BIT DRIVER DOWNLOAD. Full text of colleen calculator - atari 8-bit - source code see other formats. Wide range of items, to get the previous page. Fairbanks scales scb r9000 Windows 7 drivers download. In the vendor and view our thermal paper than competition.

Thermal Receipt Printer Driver

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Hp A799 Printer Driver

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