Warcraft 3 Patch Download 1.29

< Warcraft III
Patch 1.29.0a
Release date

March 15, 2018

Initial version
Related links
Patch chronology
Useful links
Patches • Patches category

1.29 update is gross if you dont do multiplayer at the moment. Rendersedge already provided 16:9 widescreen for WC3. All the menus and scorescreens are letter black box at 4:3 its so offputting. And the UI is smushed. The minimap is near the center of the screen.

  • 3Hero Balance Updates

Patch 1.29.0 was a major patch that was released on March 15, 2018. This patch was never released to the live production, only the PTR.

Specific Changes & Improvements

  • Team colors revision v2 (Props to Erkan for setting us on the path)
  • Camera reset to 1.28 height

Bug Fixes

  • Korean client crash resolved
  • Custom hotkeys no longer unbind Esc
  • Matchmaking now starts when using community maps
  • Alchemist's Healing Spray now self-heals
  • Various missing textures located (Thanks to TriggerHappy for the test map)
  • Default resolution no longer resembles Felwood
  • World Editor limits raised for reals:
    • Neutral Units - 2,048
    • Neutral Buildings - 384
    • Player Units - 4,320
    • Player Buildings - 2,400
    • Items - 1,024
  • Queuing actions behaves correctly
  • Ladder maps cleansed of sneaky tower locations near starting mines

Hero Balance Updates


  • Mirror Image
    • Decreased Mana cost (all levels) from 115 to 100

Shadow Hunter

  • Serpent Wards
    • Level 1: Increase damage from 11-13 to 14 to 16; Increase HP from 75 to 90
    • Level 2: Increase damage from 23-26 to 27-30; Increase HP from 135 to 165
    • Level 3: Increase damage from 41-45 to 48 to 52; Increase HP from 135 to 200

Dread Lord

  • Carrion Swarm
    • (Buff) Max Damage increased
    • Level 1: 300 Dmg to 400 Dmg
    • Level 2: 600 Dmg to 700 Dmg
    • Level 3: 1000 Dmg 1200 Dmg

Demon Hunter

  • Mana Burn
    • (Nerf) Mana cost increase from 50 to 60

Priestess of the Moon

  • Attack Speed
    • (Buff) change default from 2.46 to 2.33


  • Increase movement speed from 270 to 300
  • Level 1: Reduce mana cost from 100 to 50
  • Level 2: Reduce mana cost from 75 to 50

Known Issues

  • Selecting LAN in Asian locales crashes the client
  • Esc on Mac has a chance to close the client
  • Opening a scoreboard will temporarily freeze the game during a multiplayer match
  • TriggerAddCondition() now requires you to add (Condition()) around the 'function funcname'
  • Constant native DecPlayerTechResearched not working
  • The GUI equivalent for SetAbilityOnIcon and GetAbilityOnIcon have invalid parameters causing the editor to throw errors
  • World Editor crashes with bad IF statement syntax
  • Cannot set research to a lower level using SetPlayerTechResearched
  • DecPlayerTechResearched causes SetPlayerTechResearched to set level at a lower value
  • PlaySpecialEffect and PlaySpecialEffectWithTimeScale are not working correctly
  • The Italian client is missing menus


  • Replays are incompatible between major game versions
  • This will be the last version to support Windows XP
  • 1.00
  • 1.01
  • 1.02
  • 1.04
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.19
  • 1.20a
  • 1.21
  • 1.24a
  • 1.27a
  • 1.28
  • 1.29.0
    • 1.29a
  • 1.29b
  • 1.30.0
  • 1.31.0
  • 1.32.0
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< Warcraft III
Patch 1.29.2
Release date

May 3, 2018

Initial version
Related links
Patch chronology
Useful links
Patches • Patches category

Patch 1.29.2 was a minor patch that was released on May 3, 2018.

Specific Changes & Improvements

  • Ladder reset

Warcraft 3 Roc Patch Download

Bug Fixes

  • Standard/Quick Play maps no longer disappear when patching from 1.28.5 enGB to 1.29.1 enUS
  • Plugged the leak allowing Frozen balance into the Chaos bucket
  • The team game you attempted to join has been found; Arranged Teams working as intended
  • Polish language characters render as Polish again
  • The text cursor reprises its role as conjurer of text
  • Map download progress % over Battle.net has returned
  • /ping command calls forth your need for speed
  • Floating text offset corrected in widescreen
  • Fog and visibility modifiers affect player 13+
  • Visual building upgrades appear for players 13+
  • Unit glow for player 12 is muck colored again
  • Quest logs update via scrolling
  • (2)FloodPlains_LV – Removed water clipping in several locations
  • (8)Ferelas_LV – Reduced aggro range for expansion creeps
  • (8)Twilight Ruins_LV – Level 1 permanent items replaced with tomes in Goblin Laboratories
  • Minimap dead zones in World Editor resurrected
  • Moving special effects using the new natives updates their internal position
  • BlzSetUnitAbilityManaCost no longer affects all units with the chosen ability
  • SetUnitAbilityCooldown no longer affects all units with the chosen ability
  • BlzSetUnitName updates GetUnitName
  • Max clan members and players in channels can actually reach 255…

Warcraft 3 Patch 1.29.2 Download

Known Issues

Warcraft 3 Update Patch Downloads

  • Joining a custom game on Mac will result in a crash
  • SetItemName affects all items of a chosen type
  • Holding left mouse button causes keyboard events to not be registered
  • Cursor does not match the mouse position when resolution is taller than wider
  • In 24 player games, AI buildings may become stuck in construction
  • Automated tournament map pool updates will be available Soon™
  • 1.00
  • 1.01
  • 1.02
  • 1.04
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.19
  • 1.20a
  • 1.21
  • 1.24a
  • 1.27a
  • 1.28
  • 1.29.0
  • 1.29b
    • 1.29.2
  • 1.30.0
  • 1.31.0
  • 1.32.0

Warcraft 3 Patch Download 1.29 Download

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